What’s Happening?
You may have missed the news that the Birmingham Grid for Learning (BGfL) is being decommissioned and that BGfL schools will be cut off from the Internet from 1st April 2020. The teams at SIPS & LGfL recognise the seriousness of this development and are pleased to offer schools an alternative package. We are organising an event on 26th September 2019 to present this to you.
Don’t Find Your School Cut Off
BGfL have confirmed that schools must complete their move to a new provider before 1st April 2020 to avoid being disconnected from the Internet. The typical lead-time to move broadband suppliers is approximately 65 working days, but with close to 400 schools in the same area all needing to move at the same time this could easily be longer. Schools must select and confirm their new provider without delay to avoid disruption/no access to the Internet.
Who is affected?
Any schools currently connected to BGfL.
Who can help keep my school stay connected to the Internet and keep our children safe from cyber threats? – LGfL can.
LGfL is the London Grid for Learning, who continues to provide broadband services to over 3000 schools in London and throughout the uk successfully for nearly 20 years. LGfL already provides dedicated broadband, e-safety and digital services to approximately 70 schools within Birmingham and the Black County as part of one of the largest dedicated educational networks in the world. To read more about this service please follow this link : Let’s Get Digital
Not for profit
Both SIPS and LGfL are not for profit organisations with any surpluses reinvested back into the businesses to improve the services we provide to schools
You Don’t Have to Tender
LGfL complies with public procurement law to act as a “Central Purchasing Body”, on behalf of schools and local authorities resulting in valuable time saved for schools who then don’t have to go out to tender as they can award directly to LGfL.
You do have a choice – attend our event to to explore your options
LGfL/SIPS are holding a joint event to help schools understand their choices. The event is being held at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens on 26th September 2019 and will consist of two identical morning and afternoon sessions. Spaces are limited, so please book your place ASAP to avoid disappointment:
Morning Session
Afternoon Session
Check out our latest flyer for more information on how SIPS can help…