School Finance Service

Launched in April 2018, our newest service offers tailored financial support to schools’ Senior Leadership Teams (SLTs), to help unravel the numbers and assist with budgeting and monitoring – leaving you more time to focus on education and welfare.

Whether you’re a primary or secondary school, maintained or academy, our highly experienced team offers an unrivalled level of service, helping to plan and set realistic budgets, provide outturn forecasts and produce three to five-year projections. This is complemented by detailed monitoring of budgets and managing schools’ cashflow.


Unlocking the power of data to help schools manage their futures

Unlocking the power of data producing detailed monitoring reports

Explaining the numbers through professional Finance Reporting

Assistance with budget setting & monitoring

Finance specialists experienced in the world of education

Key areas also include transactional aspects such as payroll, VAT returns, reconciliation of bank accounts and assistance with DfE statutory returns.

After consulting with a school’s SLT, detailed monitoring reports are produced, using the Access Education Budgets software which is provided and supported by SIPS. These are then presented to the governing body at finance and staffing meetings. These highlight any significant variances, potential savings and report a projected outturn position.

Our services are flexible, so we can tailor them to meet your school’s needs and budget.

0121 296 3000

0121 296 3000

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