Governance Service Case Study: Annie Lennard Primary School

Success through Governance

Mrs Natalie Crozier, Head Teacher, at Annie Lennard Primary School, explains how invaluable professional and confidential governance support is to the effective operation of the Governing Board: “Our school offers a quality education to 250+ pupils in a diverse and united community located in Smethwick, West Midlands, just a few miles away from Birmingham city centre. 

“As an Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ school we provide a fulfilling start in life to in excess of 250 children aged 3 to 11. Every member of the team plays an integral role in contributing to creating a school where children are valued, nurtured and developed.

“These same principles apply to staff. The Governing Board strategically appraises performance regularly. The board meets throughout the year to discharge important duties, covering leadership, strategy, curriculum, budgets, health &safety and wider matters and we are supported at each scheduled meeting by our dedicated SIPS Clerk. Meetings follow a structured agenda, covering bespoke issues and current educational matters. We can call upon Clerks to offer advice and support on procedural aspects and to share updates from the world of education. After each meeting SIPS produce formal minutes to ensure a factual representation, highlighting governor challenge and actions.

“Clerks are complete subject experts in governance, the personification of professionalism. The range of expertise is far reaching covers not only day-to-day aspects but also more specialised matters such as pupil exclusions, recruitment of staff, complaints, grievances and disciplinaries.

“Our school has procured professional services from SIPS for many years, we have again continued this valuable partnership after our latest review of services. I can wholeheartedly recommend SIPS to other schools who are in the market for quality, respected professional services.”

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