School Improvement Testimonials

Voice of the Customer

“We have had the pleasure of employing a professional and knowledgeable SIPS Learning Consultant to support KS1 & KS2 teachers to develop mathematics throughout the school with a particular focus on ‘Reasoning’.  Support was comprehensive and included quality Professional Development at staff meetings and modelled lessons with groups of teachers which has significantly developed subject knowledge and pedagogical approaches.  SIPS has also helped to monitor academic teaching and learning through learning walks and book scrutinies and moderated work to validate teacher assessment judgements ensuring an end-to-end solution. The results are undisputed, SIPS impact has been significant and welcome.  Teachers now plan reasoning activities within their maths learning journeys and children talk confidently about their maths work; they can reason about numbers and apply their knowledge in different ways”

J Copestake, Deputy Head, Upland Manor Primary School

“We have been supported by SIPS School Improvement service for the last three years. Due to the support we have received for phonics, our results have risen from 41% in 2015 to 82% in 2018. Attainment in reading has now improved and SIPS have supported us in the whole school organisation of banded reading books. This has improved our guided reading sessions and staff are more confident in the teaching of reading… Staff confidence has increased in the teaching of Maths and Reading and as a result, we are seeing confident learners who are more enthused about these subjects.”

A Garcha, Head Teacher, Hateley Heath Primary School

The ways we can assist are numerous with many service lines including:

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