Governance Service Case Study: George Dixon Primary

Governance best practice

George Dixon is a vibrant Local Authority maintained school based in Edgbaston. The school benefits from supportive parents, a committed governing body and enthusiastic staff, and has a vision to become the school of choice in the community.

To lead the school through a period of significant change and development, the governing board recognised the need for high quality professional clerking to help them to exercise their functions expediently and confidently.

SIPS has been providing a tailored clerking service to the school for the last three years; during this period they have helped governors to understand their role, functions and legal duties and have been on hand to provide advice, guidance, support and training to help the board conduct their business efficiently to make the best possible use of everyone’s time, knowledge and expertise.

Lynda Donaldson, who has been a governor at George Dixon for almost seven years and Chair of Governors since 2015, explains how valuable the service from SIPS has been: “Deciding to employ SIPS to provide a clerking service for the school was one of the best strategic decisions the Governing Board made at a time when the school was going through a period of change. The clerk has been a great support for both the head teacher and myself in helping us to work more efficiently and effectively. The support provided has contributed to us becoming a stronger, more strategic school.”

The ways we can assist are numerous with many service lines including:

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